A single source of truth
Trusted by some of the world’s leading companies and government agencies, Cority’s compliance management solution allows you to centralize your compliance data, providing a single, unambiguous source of truth to, helping business leaders make the best decisions possible to drive compliance, business performance and operational excellence.
Drive better accountability
Advanced business intelligence tools allow you to monitor status of compliance actions in real-time, helping you drive better accountability that produces better results. Transform compliance data into meaningful insights and leverage reports, dashboards and notifications to share information and drive the compliance behaviors necessary for excellence.
Put compliance in the palm of everyone’s hand
With the power of our progressive mobile applications, we provide your employees access to our best-in-class compliance management tools from any device, anywhere, at any time.
Complete inspections and audits, submit metrics and even update progress to close corrective actions tied to compliance items without the need to ever return to the office.
Expand power with partners
Integration with third-party regulatory content platforms providers expands the power of Cority’s compliance management solution many times over and provides businesses with advanced capabilities to improve compliance consistently and reliably. Leverage partners to reduce administrative burdens involved in tracking regulatory changes, conducting applicability assessments, and maintaining registers in multiple locations globally.
Make compliance reporting easy
Manage compliance reporting aligned to applicable federal, state, provincial or local requirements. Monitor compliance status dynamically in real-time with our built-in BI and analytics solutions. Create configurable reports and dashboards with personalized, role-based views, allowing users to roll-up data for a global perspective, then drilling down to understand the local context.
Comprehensive automated global compliance
Easily stay current on compliance status and reporting obligations across industry sectors and geographies, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Automatically alert individuals of assigned compliance tasks, and trigger escalations up the chain-of-command when compliance actions exceed established deadlines, enabling the your business to bring things back into alignment quickly.