
CDP Reporting 2021 Scores Released

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Last week, CDP released the 2021 scores for its Climate Change disclosures. Over 14,000 organisations around the world disclosed data through CDP in 2021, including more than 13,000 companies worth over 64% of global market capitalisation, and over 1,100 cities, states and regions.

In the year of the IPCC’s Sixth Assessment Report and COP26, the need for transformational, urgent and collaborative change across the world is more urgent than ever. Environmental issues such as climate change, water risk and deforestation are interconnected, and companies must go further and faster to manage them together.

CDP A List

The A List showcases the companies leading on environmental transparency and action, based on their annual disclosure through CDP’s climate change, forests and water security questionnaires. This year has seen a major increase (35% up on last year) in the number of companies achieving an A score, with increases across all three themes that CDP assesses. Along with the high levels of disclosure, this shows growing environmental awareness among the business world in 2021.

200 companies have made this year’s climate change A List.

24 companies have made this year’s forests A List.

118 companies have made this year’s water security A List.

These companies are leading the way to a net-zero, nature-positive and equitable future.

CDP Reporting

Companies are asked to disclose through CDP by their customers and investors. By completing CDP’s questionnaires on climate change, forests and water security, companies will identify ways to help them manage their own environmental risks and opportunities as well as provide vital information back to their customers and investors, and to the market through research, insights and financial products and services.

Cority’s Sustainability Performance Management Software

Cority’s Sustainability Performance Management software has been designed to meet the requirements of CDP reporting and has a suite of dedicated tools to streamline the process. This includes GHG Protocol aligned data collection covering Scope 1, 2 & 3, climate change risks and opportunities, and an initiatives savings functionality for analysing savings against targets.

Using Cority’s Sustainability Performance Management software companies can:

  • Define bespoke question sets from a range of reporting frameworks, including CDP, SASB, GRI and SDGs
  • Collect data and supporting information across a diverse organisation
  • Consolidate data into internal and external reporting templates

As well as software, Cority provides its clients with support services to help them improve their reporting and achieve their broader sustainability goals. With in-depth knowledge of the CDP reporting system, our team of industry experts work closely with our clients through the whole process to ensure they submit a robust, clear and complete CDP response.

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Mark Wallace

Mark Wallace


Mark is CEO of Cority Software Inc., a Toronto-based, award-winning, global SaaS company. Under Mark’s leadership, Cority’s revenue has grown consistently at a compounded rate of 25%. The company has grown in employees from 29 when Mark started in 2003 to close to 400 employees today. It enjoys an industry-leading profit margin. In 2016, Cority raised capital with Norwest Venture Partners, Georgian Partners, and BMO; in 2019 Cority raised capital from software specialist Private Equity firm Thoma Bravo and with Norwest again stepping up as an investor. Mark was a finalist for the EY Entrepreneur of the Year Award in 2017 and 2018. Previously, Mark was Vice President, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary and a member of the executive management team of AT&T Canada Corp. Mark is a graduate of St. Francis Xavier University, where he recently completed 10 years on the Board of Governors, including four as Chair of the Board. He received his J.D. from the University of Victoria and is a member of the Law Society of Upper Canada. Mark is active in mentoring young entrepreneurs and has served on several other not for profit boards.